Liebe amerikanischen Freunde
Datum: Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2019 um 09:39
Thema: Skandale & Bananen

Ich schreibe diesen Artikel in Englisch, weil der Inhalt auch amerikanischen Bürgern nahe gebracht werden soll. Viele der Amerikaner sind Abkömmlinge unserer Vorfahren. Ihr Ruhmesblatt endete sehr bald, als sie die Ureinwohner abgeschlachtet haben und bis heute unterdrücken. (Die Navajohs haben Land aber dürfen das Wasser nicht nutzen!)
Venezuela probieren es die USA wieder die weißen Kolonialabkömmlinge an die Macht zu bringen. Sie wollen Krieg um ihnen das Öl klauen zu können.
Wie können wir die Indianer unterstützen?

Dear American Friends,

I write you for your help. You are responsible for all evil things which happen in the world and are done by your establishment and the two lousy parties in the government.
The whole world looks with fear to your country.
You canceled the nuclear treaty with Russia; made war around the Mediterranean Sea where you should not be at all and you have war activities.
The main interests are in resources and especially in energy, overall oil.
It is obvious that your army turns now from Syria to Venezuela.
My wife and me know South-America quiet well.
There life a lot of Indians which could escape in the Andes during the centuries when the Spanish Conquerors came to kill them. In North-America you, this means our European forefathers, were more successful. (LONG BEFORE HAULOCAUST)
Now runs in all south american countries a fight of suppressed indigene people to get free of the white establishment.
This happens in the moment in Venezuela. Most of the inhabitants are indigene and their elected President Maduro too.
They want to sell their oil to their own account in the world to get more wealth. Your government and the stupid Europeans lay an embargo over this country. People have no chance to life and do die for hunger.
Your “president” announced to ship your army and bomb the poor human beings down.
It is ashaming!
Yankees go home!

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